Gold On The Verge Of A Major Breakout As Junior Mining News Flow Heats up

August gold futures are trading $1772 as I type these words. Meanwhile, a weekly close above $1775 would all but give final confirmation that gold is breaking higher from its recent two month trading range ($1675-$1775):   Gold (Daily) A … Continued

Bob Moriarty: The Financial System Is Bust And It’s Time To Return To Sound Money

In less than three months 2020 has quickly become a year that many would like to forget. The gravity of the COVID-19 crisis has reached unprecedented levels as it has now become a global health crisis the likes of which … Continued

Bob Moriarty: When Everybody Gets Negative, Then I Get Positive

Thursday morning, Bob Moriarty published a piece titled “The Greatest Depression Just Began. This is no drill” – scary stuff and well worth a read and some serious consideration. In late January Bob warned that the corona virus would be the … Continued

Bob Moriarty: This Is The Top In TSLA

In our first conversation of 2020, on the afternoon of February 4th, 321gold founder Bob Moriarty and I discussed a variety of topics ranging from precious metals to the Trump impeachment to Irving Resources and Tesla. Bob was unabashed in … Continued

Bob Moriarty: This Is The Most Dangerous Time In History

All humans experience love and loss at some point in their lives. With love comes pain, we can’t avoid it, all we can do is experience it, embrace it, and keep breathing. 321gold co-founder Bob Moriarty recently lost the love … Continued

Bob Moriarty: A Market Crash Is Coming And Cash Is A Good Place To Be

Typically I try my best to space out conversations with 321gold founder Bob Moriarty by at least one month, however, with everything happening very quickly across global markets I felt it was important to have another chat with Bob. Bob … Continued

Bob Moriarty: Investors Need To Be Very Skeptical In This Year Of The Great Reset

It’s been an eventful last few weeks across financial markets. Gold has jumped ~$70 per ounce in less than two weeks as financial markets have begun to price in Fed rate cuts during the second half of this year. Meanwhile, … Continued

Bob Moriarty: I Would Welcome Lower Precious Metals Prices Over The Next Few Weeks

It’s been a rough few weeks in the precious metals and junior resource sectors since the last time 321gold founder Bob Moriarty and I spoke in early April. There has also been some big news in individual junior mining stories … Continued

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