An Oil Services Play Positioned To Win Big From The Largest Oil & Gas Deposit in U.S. History

The U.S. Geological Survey has confirmed that the Wolfcamp Shale in Texas is the largest continuous oil and gas deposit ever discovered in the United States. Despite being a hub of U.S. oil production for the last 100 years, Texas is … Continued

Oceanus Resources: Advancing The El Tigre Gold & Silver Project To A 1,000,000+ Ounce Open Pit Mine

I’ve easily had more than 100 CEOs of publicly traded junior mining companies pitch me their company’s story and i’ve never heard a CEO as enthusiastic and detailed in his presentation as Oceanus Resources’ (TSX-V: OCN, Market Cap: C$26 million) … Continued

Moriarty: There is More Opportunity Today Than There Has Ever Been in History

Given the surprising US election outcome and the tumultuous market environment we wanted to connect with 321gold founder & editor Bob Moriarty for his latest thoughts on geopolitics and of course, markets. Bob obliged and this is an interview that you … Continued

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